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3 Responses ttto Republicans

  1. Bolthorn says:

    They’ll push both. They don’t want people voting.

    • FullofStars says:

      They will? They have had.

      There has been a reduction of DMVs in the onus of reducing bureaucratic costs, so there’s like just one big one, miles away from people who need it, and it always has long lines, because that is efficient use of staffing. And banker’s hours, so that it’s open, but only when your clients are earning a living.

      And so, poor people who need a car to get around, have to get a ride, or hire a ride, to then take many hours to wait through kaffkaesque bureaucracy to get their driver’s license. Lose a day’s wages (on work opportunity), and possibly most of a day’s wages on an Uber. You need the license to earn food, so it gets seen as a needed expense. Do that for less tangible need like voting….. well that just turned into a backdoor poll tax.

      It’s in a similar vein as certain state governors closing all but just one ballot drop-off boxes in “certain” counties only, just so they can have lip service to the fallacious claim that they *didn’t* restrict voting.

      Also, also. The claim that mail in voting is somehow unsafe to be mailed, the same mail that is used to deliver that voting ID.

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