On one of my many hikes along the Washington coast, my friend and I came across a decaying whale. We were both tripping on LSD, so we were fascinated by it… until the wind shifted, and the scent went up our noses! We both almost projectile vomited! We ran away as fast as we could. HOLY SHIT it smelled awful! I used to paint garbage trucks for a living. I experienced some horrible smells on that job, but nothing even came close to the smell of that whale! I managed to take a photo of it before the wind shifted.… Read more »
On one of my many hikes along the Washington coast, my friend and I came across a decaying whale. We were both tripping on LSD, so we were fascinated by it… until the wind shifted, and the scent went up our noses! We both almost projectile vomited! We ran away as fast as we could. HOLY SHIT it smelled awful! I used to paint garbage trucks for a living. I experienced some horrible smells on that job, but nothing even came close to the smell of that whale! I managed to take a photo of it before the wind shifted.… Read more »