It’s interesting how when you re-read a thing in a new light. In high school I read bunches of sci-fi, including Heinlein.
Now it just it reads like some guy putting words in the mouth of his characters— I think the walk away from this one was that it was the ultimate duty of a female to have as many babies as possible, but of the correct genes. (Or was that “I will fear no evil”?) (probably both). That the character had agency, but agency to agree with the author’s view.
It’s interesting how when you re-read a thing in a new light. In high school I read bunches of sci-fi, including Heinlein.
Now it just it reads like some guy putting words in the mouth of his characters— I think the walk away from this one was that it was the ultimate duty of a female to have as many babies as possible, but of the correct genes. (Or was that “I will fear no evil”?) (probably both). That the character had agency, but agency to agree with the author’s view.