Loki (2023) | Season 2
Added on November 4th, 2023 by | Report Post
Front Page Tags:Comic Books, Loki, Television, Television Posters
Front Page Tags:Comic Books, Loki, Television, Television Posters
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I just watched Episode 4. It was pretty good. But I’m bummed that there are only 6 episodes per season.
So it’s good…?
I’m waiting until it’s all available to binge it.
I haven’t even gotten around to Secret Invasion yet….
I found Secret Invasion to be rather lack-luster. But LOKI is entertaining.
I agree with Stormy, Secret Invasion was half cooked and they could have done better, but I think you’re making a good choice to wait to binge Loki, it’s a slow burn that’s going to go places if they’re doing what I think they’re doing.